This week I’ve been working on some new designs. Roses have always been a passion of mine. The rose image above was re-created from a pillow called Perfect- which at the time had minimal handwork in its final print. These two rose images began from a single photo and are in an evolving relationship. Stay tuned here every week for more and totally new patterns too.
With Spring around the bend, you might be interested in taking a gander at what Elle Décor suggests for home colors for 2017. I really believe that a home should mirror our own personality, surrounding us with what we love.
So, it’s officially 2017 and if you’re like me, you might also be lethargic about new resolution stuff. I’m slowly gearing up. Here’s one consideration that’s easy enough to do. Have you ever thought about cutting back on added sugar? It’s important and easy to navigate if you have the basics. I look to a nutritionist because as with other parts of life, “fake” information in the form of attractive advertising can be confusing!
Many people flirt with Type 2 Diabetes in their lifetime. You can do a lot to manage diabetes with diet, weight control and sugar alternatives. Simply put, sugar and other natural sweeteners like honey and molasses can elevate blood sugar. My favorite substitute is Stevia, still mostly only available at health food stores. It’s extracted from the leaf of the plant, which tastes exactly the same. Sadly, it’s also more expensive then many other substitutes on the market-if it’s pure. Be careful as there are a lot of blends that mix it up with bad stuff. It bugs me especially when the word “stevia” is all over the packages. Read your labels!

My passionate peony
Here’s an article you should read if sugar content is important to you. My nutritionist, Alison, wrote an article explaining alternative sweeteners on the market. A really good read. A healthy diet can be the difference between medication or not. Not! They always say you should settle on an eating regimen that you can do easily, get along with, and that you LIKE! Like a successful committed relationship.
I was looking for a love song to share and stumbled on this one by Faith Hill and Tim McGraw. This recording was from a performance after 18 years of marriage. The kind of typical romantic stuff that media overloads you with every day. Cute but predictable.On the eve of their 20th anniversary, they did an interview -in 2016. The interview is a bit long but the point is made. They fit well together, and sticking with each other for 20 years in the entertainment business is impressive. And fun!
Paola Pillows are also built to last. Beautiful. All cotton, washable, soft yet sturdy. Stuffed with a removable white duck feather and down insert. Ahhhh.
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