New Year is a time to ponder on what went before and what’s upcoming for 2017. Van Gogh was a man who struggled mightily with his “here and now”. His genius was only truly appreciated after his death. Largely self- taught and a bit of a vagabond- he was unable to stay too long in any one place. He’s widely considered one of the most famous painters after Rembrandt. He bonded with the natural world as subject. (He later loaned me his fabulous Starry Night to float some pillows on- soft pillow stars). Nature was an intimate piece of his artistry.

New Year

Raspberry Hosta

As a gardener myself, I’m drawn into the natural world as entrance to the visual arts. Digital photography and fabric printing quickly segue into technology for printing and fabrication. Paola Pillows are born from that continuum.

I saw a great quote from Buckminister Fuller, an architect-philosopher from Milton MA that resonated. “In its complexities of design integrity, the Universe is technology. The technology evolved by man is thus far amateurish compared to the elegance of non -humanly contrived regeneration. Man does not spontaneously recognize technology other than his own, so he speaks of the rest as something he ignorantly calls nature. Synergetics

When you get your hands in the material world, it takes you places far beyond where you might go alone. See the progression of our wonderful new garden-designed to be a place for reflection. It took pretty much all of 2016 to get it started. Much more to come. It’s always hard to reconcile that things take time. The wait can offer more important and exciting results.

New Year

Drawing in the grass, using string and shovels and rakes. Finally, sketching in paths and dimensions to plan out where the beds might go. Seemingly never ending.

New Year

We have a water problem! Drainage digging and pipes throughout the yard will keep water at bay and new perennial beds in green.

New Year

Voila! Beds in,metal edging and gravel in place all around. We put in some evergreens and new bare root peonies in, tons of bulbs and mulch overall. Can’t wait for Spring!

New Year

Working on a concept gate…a little too severe, BUT, metal offers closure without a complete wall.

The Alternate Routes- A band with local roots- Bridgeport CT. Playing “The Future’s Nothing New.”

We’re working on a gate for the garden we hope to re-purpose an existing one. 2017 is a new year, one for us to each make new, in part, out of what came before.

Learn more about the Paola story.

Paola Pillows are online on Etsy at PaolaStudio.

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