A Sunny Day

Grey is the dominant color in February.. with a smattering of sun sprinkled in if we’re lucky. Here in New England, I combat this by working in very bright colors- blue and gold of sunflowers for example. This scarf is off to print.

February is also the time when I should be out in the garden pruning the Japanese willow- which is wildly overgrown. I’m having a hard time seeing myself on a ladder in the aftermath of the recent ice storm.

I won’t allow this young upstart to get larger than my adorable miniature Korean lilac.

A great way to beat the cold- escape to a warm experience, from the comfort of home. Italy!

Orvieto is a walled Medieval city located in Umbria sited on top of an Etruscan settlement dating back to the 8th century BC. We toured the underground caves beneath the city streets. What a blast. 
What a charming art walk in Orvieto!
My dad used to visit Italy in the summer. Should I be surprised to discover a tile overhead in Positano that I grew up with!
A feast for the eyes. If you travel to Italy and do nothing else, sign up for a cooking class. We traveled up a hill above Florence to a private home, a meal and great conversation.
Shopping in narrow streets in an old city – here in San Gimignano,is like entering a fairytale. And nighttime is the right time in any of these old cities crowded with tourists.
Thought you’d enjoy this photo taken on our street in Florence’s historic district. The Italian golf cart to the right transports tourists- probably not allowed in the US- it’s quite smaller than it appears!
Gelato! No translation needed, was on every street corner in MOST towns.
I would be remiss in not showing you a great image from inside one of the churches we visited. Loved the simple amber glass at the Duomo of Orvieto. 

I have to finish our walk through Italy accompanied by one of the great voices from the old country- Luciano Pavarotti. Non ti scordar di me. Never forget the voice either!


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