Periodically, people ask me this question. Each time I get stumped and fumble for words. Two well known slogans come to mind: “More doing” and “Just do it.” Even basking in the sun is a challenge for me without something to do. When I go to the beach, I’m most happy with a novel under my nose. Then, I relax.
Gardening, cooking, shooting photos and designing fabric are a few activities that give me pleasure, so I suggest that for some people certain activities become their relaxation. I have a voracious appetite for new things and I enjoy seeing the results of my labor. And, I’m pretty sure I’m not the only person who can get as much pleasure out of preparing for a party as going to the party herself. Do you feel that way? Activities related to thinking about, strategizing, watching others and/or doing something enjoyable, can be both exciting and relaxing, right?
Last week Terry and TMC Excavating were here to bring the new garden forward- install the drains, grade and bring topsoil in for the new beds. It involved a certain amount of digging out and moving plants to new homes.
We hit a snag this am locating the right edging- which stalled the process. The devil is in the details- and those edging details haven’t yet been run to ground. Here’s where we landed today.

White Memorial
It’s also true that beautiful things can relax a body. Wonderful smells, quiet water…a beautiful, soft down pillow- Perfect. Or Peachy.
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