In October, Larry and I traveled to Italy for a couple weeks. We visited towns in the north and south. It was fantastic. As is always the case, the trip requires some adjustment to the time change. I came home with SO many ideas for new designs. The landscape surrounding the town of Orvieto was breathtaking.
Waking at 3 AM and walking out onto the balcony to ponder the city of Positano from above. Insomnia never looked so good.
One of my favorite things about Orvieto is that cars are generally not allowed in the center of town. The town was built in the 1200s high on a cliff surrounded by walls. It was built on the ruins of an ancient Etruscan city, whose foundation is still accessible in places below the street.
The trip was a stunning “memory creator”, especially the ancient ruins of Pompeii. The amount of ceramic and stone surface design was stunning- most of it very functional. The strongman figure was repeated in variation all the way around a room that served as an ancient public bath. So much careful texture in buildings, walls, and walkways.
Speaking of Design
Last year, I created several yards of fabric as a commission for a friend. I also chose a pattern, then perfected how the design transferred across the pieces. I composed the entire piece as original art and chose a lovely, soft poly crepe de chine with great drape. BTW. Kathy chose a local seamstress. You too, can avail yourself of some wearable art in 2025.
Isn’t she beautiful???
Home to Litchfield
We returned home just in time to put the garden to bed and Buddha inside the barn.
The boxwoods barely fit their new covers and are tucked in waiting for a big spring prune.
You have inspired me to return to Italy! I loved Orvieto, but we left early because I was accosted in a stairwell and it really shook me up. I was only 13. I doubt any man would try it now that I’m almost 70, but if so he would be very sorry. 🤣
Yes! Those Italians. When I lived in Italy I was 16. Fortunately, I traveled with family and was rarely totally on my own. Still. As I recall, Italians had a fondness for cute little blonds and I was neither. I wouldn’t think age is an issue tho. Jess sayin’
I love seeing Italy through your artist designer’s eye, and I look forward to seeing many Italy-inspired fabric designs in 2025!
I have sooo many pictures and hope to return to new places! Enjoy Ireland and send photos!!!
WOW!!! Stunning pics … what a trip! Thanks for sharing.
We had so much fun and Italy is a fab place to see.
You have inspired me to return to Italy! I loved Orvieto, but we left early because I was accosted in a stairwell and it really shook me up. I was only 13. I doubt any man would try it now that I’m almost 70, but if so he would be very sorry. 🤣
I hope you get more commissions! 🥰
Yes! Those Italians. When I lived in Italy I was 16. Fortunately, I traveled with family and was rarely totally on my own. Still. As I recall, Italians had a fondness for cute little blonds and I was neither. I wouldn’t think age is an issue tho. Jess sayin’
How beautiful!! Both the trip yo Italy and the fabric for Kathy. I can’t wait to see what you create next.