A Woodland Paola Pillow placed inside a wasp nest that some large crows dive- bombed off a tree. Introducing new images for home decor. The alternating color channels are fascinating – artfully manufactured by the wasp queen from wood fiber and saliva. Each cell becomes a nursery for her young. More about paper wasps here.
Many patterns in nature are visible signs of recurring forms found in the natural world. They occur in different contexts and can even be modeled mathematically. Ancient Greeks studied these patterns to explain order in nature. I see certain recurring motifs as I work through photos from leaf to flower to seed pods to.. ..wasp nests. All Paola Pillow designs originate in the natural world.
Speaking of the natural world- Have you started getting seed catalogs yet? Some people may be getting anxious about when to start their seeds indoors. Well, that’s based on when you can transplant safely out- of- doors. This site can help identify safe dates by which you should expect the frost to have finished in your area.
Click on the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Read the Freeze/Frost table first to understand how to apply the info before you choose your state. Toggle to your state and voila, the site generates planting timetables for your location.
Read more about Woodland Hosta here.
Paola Pillows are available for sale on Etsy at PaolaStudio.
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A fascinating visual passage from present time back to early Springsteen, narrated by himself. Bruce Springsteen, The River.
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