Does this sound like an unusual play on words? It does to me. It’s quite simple really, now that the garden has been put to bed, Larry and I hit the road to shake off COVID cabin fever before the BIG holiday rolls in.
Got most of the garden leaves raked, hostas pruned and yes, the boxwoods covered!
We drove to Montreal for Thanksgiving, taking a leisurely drive to stay overnight at a hotel in Lake Saranac. Driving the following morning was a breeze, even though we got a taste of “lake effect” snow. Oh, oh. Winter IS here, and once again, we headed north.
We stayed at an adorable boutique hotel in Old Montreal. Every single morning we had to visit a local shop around the corner…Depanneur Café. Latte, pastry AND shopping- nothing better!!!!
The gorgeous red shoes shown above are not mine but rather ones made by either the Oceti Sakowin or Cheyenne people of Canada. Materials included deerhide, rawhide and porcupine quills.Look pretty comfy to me.
The Indigenous Exhibit is impressive and alone, well worth the trip to the McCord Museum in Montreal.The history of indigenous cultures is beautiful as well as sobering. You can read about it here.
Do you remember the Parachute brand of clothing that originated in Montreal? A very interesting tale of two partners: fashion maven Nicola Pelly and architect Harry Parnass, both inspired by New Wave subculture. Awesome look. They created clothing for bands and stars like Michael Jackson and Don Johnson in Miami Vice. Loose fitting and generally unisex. Stylin.
While in Montreal, Larry kept reminding me it was NOT Thanksgiving, so hw come he followed us to the museum?
Notre Dame!
Starry, starry night!
Lovely as ever. We snuck in for Mass in the chapel behind the main church as it was closed for repair. Got off a few photos before I was told it wasn’t allowed!
Old stone and iron, my kind of place.
Leonard Cohen-From the sacred to the profane-a huge mural seen through the window of Montreal’s Museum of Fine Arts. I understand there is a significant collection of murals in the city. A Spring trip perhaps?
We ate our way through Montreal and even had jazz with dinner one night. Definitely not Canada native Dianna Krall, but maybe next year?
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