Sunny days in Connecticut. Last week, we slipped out to the beach at Old Lyme to burn ourselves for the day. We’re still red. It was great. (Do not attempt this at home) Every night my daughter discovers a new remedy for her burn. We used sunscreen!
I came home to a BIG project in the front yard. Today was very busy. On the side yard, the overflow garden is growing up free and old annual plants.
So happy to see the results from a package of Silene from a year ago. Local seeds with flowers full of intense pink at the end of July when the garden is a motley mix of browns and yellow. Mine are later blooming because they went in late.
The new garden marches on. Years of standing water after rain and little grass success. Excavation is done, drains inserted and covered in gravel. It still looks like heck but it’s coming. Tomorrow, I’ll have to move some plants, clean up and sketch in the new flower beds. Undecided yet on the gravel color for paths and edging.

Before and after. Left to right. Un-remediated, standing water on left. Notice the statue. Right side, the drains are in and exposed. We’re now sending surface rainwater back to a second drain at the foot of the bamboo hill.

Closed trenches: Different angle shows the drains backfilled with gravel. Looking good.
James Gabriel Keogh, calls himself Vance Joy, and is an Australian singer-songwriter. He released his first album in 2013. Riptide is from his debut album “Dream Your Life Away.” Sounds like a plan. Music has a way of transporting me away. Hope it takes you too.
If red is better, red pillows are the best. Rosa goes with everything.
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