Some consider water lilies the jewels of the pond. Not only beautiful, they also improve the ecosystem they live in. I have NOT planned in a water feature to my new garden. You too, will undoubtedly find this video terribly tempting.
And where there is a water feature, the koi may not be far behind. Always been a little afraid of koi..not sure why except they get huge,and then…? They winter over deep under water like fiendish magic -seemingly impervious to the New England cold.
I was thrilled to discover that water lilies are actually in season in Pennsylvania at Longwood Gardens. The water lily garden is open from late May through the End of October. Peak bloom occurs mid-July through September (depending on weather). Sounds really cool. Longwood Gardens has interesting events too- including one they call “Nightscape.”
Here is a garden local to Washington, Connecticut with events upcoming in August. Wine and music. Sounds like a fun time.

Happy to report, the excavator is on deck and today the gravel and sand arrived. Drain work starts Monday- clearing the way for the new garden.
I love to garden – it gives my mind the down time it needs to process things I might not otherwise make time for. This is a very interesting story published by WNPR in 2012. Gardening is good for my soul. Don’t know why it wouldn’t be good for the mind and body too. Can Gardening Troubled Minds Heal?
A nice find along a similar line- a list of therapeutic landscapes- gardens in healthcare facilities around the country. Maybe you know someone in need of a garden who can’t get out and do the work of it but needs a garden!
The Lumineers are a folk rock band, based in Denver, Colorado. This is a July 2016 released single called “Cleopatra” -based on the musician’s real life encounter with a female taxi driver. I didn’t know the backstory when I first heard it but felt surprisingly emotional when I saw the video. Cleopatra. The take away: Seize the moment when it’s presented to you.
Enjoy our Paola Pillows here. They grow old beautifully with a body.
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