Beautiful pillows don’t just appear you know. Today was one of those days I felt like I might never get to my desk. And I didn’t. Till after dinner when blog time rolled around.
I was feeling a little crushed for time this morning as I ran out to take my Mom to the eye doctor. Just as the guys showed up to tear out the hill. Got home much later to convo with them before hustling in to make lunch and take my mom out again to the drugstore and home. I remember thinking I should move things along more quickly and had to bite my tongue. How much longer will she be around? Better to chill and go with the flow. So I did.
Our hill project started several years ago when we had it cleared and re-planted with azaleas. Each year, I’d add a little more ground cover and plants in an effort to paste it together. The copious water that emanates from above and inside the hill’s center section is now fully exposed- a new effort to mitigate it while improving the side yard. It’s such a relief to NOT see the muddy hill sliding down on itself. I think we’ll work more exposed boulders into the new landscaping.
Do I LOOK a little frantic here? I had just discovered that the cluster of plants they dug up needed water and coverings to protect them from cold for the next few days. It’s a little later than I’d planned to start this project.
Of course, once I went outside I realized how badly the other gardens needed fall cleanup and wound up cutting, raking and hauling weeds into the back yard before the sun went down.
In truth. We had two men with equipment doing the heavy lifting today. Followed by my husband tearing around scooping up the endless maple leaves. We worked hard most of the afternoon. I picked this song to post because it was fun to find these three performers playing together. Emmy Lou in her element.
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