It’s winter now, which means cold, grey and white in New England. Have you noticed? Sometimes escape requires a change of venue and lack of internet access to get outside of the everyday.
The Old Inn on the Green
This weekend, we traveled north to New Marlborough, MA and the Old Inn on the Green. We’d already agreed to kill the phones save checking them twice daily. Surprise, surprise, they’d already thought of that. There really was very little internet in the bedroom. What a wonderful place.
From comfort to comfort food to visual delight. The hosts were equally delightful. Travel Zoo has some great specials there if you’re looking.
The Clark
We had a great time sightseeing and visiting the Clark Museum in Williamstown for several hours of art gazing. The hour plus drive from home was a wonderful sojourn through the Berkshires. I highly recommend it.

“Smoke of Ambergris” by Sargent is a wonderful example of how the artist plays with light and dark in his work.
Light attendance at the gallery meant we could linger quietly over world class paintings by Renoir and John Singer Sargent. The special show on Japanese wood block printing was great too.

Madam Monet-Pierre-Auguste Renoir
Natural light in a garden is the single most exciting aspect of photography for me. So instantly variable. Did you know that Renoir and Monet often painted side by side sharing family members as subjects? This was Renoir’s painting of Madame Monet. I enjoy her dress against the sofa- an extravagant juxtaposition of patterns.
Sometimes, if you can’t physically retreat from the busy everyday, it helps to discover a visual escape. Try this- Most beautiful garden. Canada.

Raspberry Sundae Peony
Besides, what gardener isn’t starting to ponder what her garden will grow this year? I’m waiting for this..a new peony. I planted a bare root. Wish me luck. Could its flowers be more beautiful?
You do remember that Valentine’s is just around the corner. Roses! Indulge, the one you love… or yourself! The Shirelles This is dedicated to the one I love.
I agree that a change of venue or scenery brings a sense of difference in reality. Differences in color or shape remind me of new life, and I can almost feel the life on my skin.
The internet and phone can bring facts, but not lfe and relationships for me.
I can understand what you’re saying about the lacks of phone and internet. Not sure I’d identify it in the same way. I do think that those devices can capitalize on time better spent elsewhere. Somehow, we discount the time in our obsessiveness for NEW stuff. Maybe it’s the virtual counterpart to always buying new stuff.