Every gardener understands the drive to hover over plants through all kinds of weather. Learning to care for succulents has been challenging. They don’t want you hovering!
Last week, the shower gift that made my day was a Haworthia Maughanii Hybrid. A succulent. What a cute plant! In searching it out to make sure it wasn’t toxic to animals, I discovered plant expert George, aka Prickly Pete.
In 2017, George joined up with some other kindred spirits at Artisan Plants, “Where Picasso meets Mendel.” A whole new world. Fascinating.
Here’s a link on general pet care and plants.
Artisan Plants
So George sent me a nice note and a link to succulent plant care. (Who knew this plant was a miniature?) He continued in an email: “Haworthia are not poisonous but their leaf sap does contain calcium oxylate crystals which are found in many other houseplants as well. These are needle shaped crystals that if consumed are very irritating to the mouth and digestive tract. They don’t taste very good.” (Apparently, his dog Otto tried some and decided the plastic stakes tasted better). More info on Haworthias.
In the Garden

It’s been a busy week all around. I’ve almost finished putting Hollytone on most of the acid lovers. One more bag, and a lot more peat moss. Of course leaves must be raked before you can sprinkle the Holytone.

Craft and Holiday Fairs
So, we’re doing three craft fairs this fall- Cromwell, Bristol and here in Litchfield. I’ll have several of the new infinity scarves in all organic cotton and snugly warm. And a few new chiffon style scarves just back from printing. Whole lot of sewing going on.

Fiona Apple
An American “art pop” songwriter with a haunting voice- this song places her almost into a jazz category. Agree? Why Try to Change Me Now?
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