Spring Into Summer
…ouch, I’m pretty sure that’s been said before.
Spring is motoring ahead into summer- which officially starts June 21. Featured today is a new scarf I call Savannah-homage to a recent visit to that beautiful Georgian city. I was inspired by the city sidewalk grates. Beautiful and functional too. Beauty is something that’s too often lacking in our everyday lives.
Mulch is in.
Three yards of mulch arrived this week. These last many days I’ve been doing azalea bloom prep work like pruning and checking for winter damage. That includes placing Hollytone, cultivating winter-hardened soil and watering to soak it in. Weeding the gravel paths and ponding down winter loosened metal edging is an annual treat. So, onto mulch- the last big seasonal chore. I always try get the dark sweet peat down for bloom time – very important window dressing for the beds. This year, I’ve been plotting protection against the deer that dined on all the Hosta plants last year. I’ve sprayed once so far. Larry is hard at work on the outdoor camera so we can see where they’re coming from. Fencing WILL be erected.
I’m very protective of my green garden residents. This year, I was struck how they all faithfully appear at the start of growing season, as if by magic. Yes, I rush around doing all the incidentals, but the bones are there. I’m especially proud of the boxwoods- that have been babied the last couple years- covered and sprayed to protect from cold and disease.
It’s Fair Time!
Music -Always.
I’ve been listening to music a lot as I work on Buddha and in the garden. This song came up the other day. The paring surprised me- interesting duo. The album is a collection of Ray Charles duets with other notables. Lately, I’ve been hearing musicians for whom I’d almost consider buying an album. Surprising thought. Buying an album in the days of streaming.
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