Sedum (aka Stonecrop) is a beautiful succulent that appears in early Spring (that’s today in Litchfield). I recently posted a new scarf design and asked people to guess what plant I drew the green from. Sedum!  An unusual shaped succulent that spans the length of our growing season in New England. Sedum is a hardy, perennial addition to a sunny garden. There are both tall and creeping varieties. Mine get pretty tall- up to 2.5 feet and leggy. One might choose a creeping variety for a more tidy garden.

This is the REAL size of our sedum right now- unlike the first photo above. Tiny little green buds that casually catch raindrops. Very pretty.

It’s early Spring in Connecticut and the usual suspects are slowly reappearing. In our shady spaces, the daffodils, tulips and lilies are just barely poking through. The sedum has broken through the old stubble and the hens n’chicks are warily lifting their heads.


I saw a robin this morning out my bedroom window- always a welcome sight. Some consider it the first sign of spring. As cardinals are monogamous birds, some see them as a sign of impending romance…if they’re perched up high, they’re ready to mate and Spring is here in earnest. ( This cardinal wasn’t perched up high) More snow? No house plants out till April 15th here in zone five.

It’s also time to walk softly, as this gardener is always forgetting the surprise newbies in the garden that are negotiating their first Spring. Do other people do this? You find the most exciting new bulbs, get terribly excited, buy them, and then forget where you buried them. I KNOW I have some new parrot tulips. Can’t wait!

( Left is before, right is after. Top center are the tools of the edge pounding chore, courtesy my husband Larry)
So, I’ve been dutifully pounding down metal edging and shifting gravel and soil to properly bury it again. I’ve been underwhelmed by the new edging as it consistently jumps out of the ground like clockwork once the ground thaws. It’s a lot of work to bury it each Spring. Although a nice addition to the formal garden to cleanly define beds… I don’t recommend it. Too much work!

It’s all worth it! We’re getting ready for a show end of April. I’ve purchased and sewn some scarves ahead, including this one called Aqua Darling.. you can order for Easter now.

Order by Tuesday, April 16 and I’ll have a scarf to you for Sunday, April 21. Call, email or text me here.

If sunshine permits, tomorrow, I’ll be raking off dead leaves from under the azaleas and getting the hill ready for their May bloom. Thoughts will again turn to all season garden décor. Metal, or glass..? Pretty wild glass here.

Speaking of wild. We went to hear a jazz quartet at the Clark Institute last week. AWESOME. Lao Tizer is a prodigy. Look for him in any configuration should he come close to where you live. You won’t be disappointed. This is Lao and one of his bands playing… Metropolis. Tizer, the sax and drummer were all three in the quartet we heard at the Clark.

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