A love of fabric forms the basis for understanding a principle that might otherwise escape the light of day. Sustainability is a word that’s been overused in some circles and avoided in others.

In my garden, I use and re-use cloth ties to stake my plants. In this case, I untied my soft cotton ties for the third year – to tie up the gladiolas. I was searching for the roll of green plastic ribbon I thought I had (that’s sold for just such a purpose). All I needed to do was search my Amazon orders and click on “buy again. ” Then of course, it dawned on me. If I wash and re-use my fabric ties…I can save up for that new evergreen I really need to fill a certain hole in the new garden. Another small contribution to sustainability.


The white arrow marks the new fledgling golden carpet

Sustainability is an attitude that can and should (my opinion) permeate life. You can almost see the little green tufts between the glads. Sometimes, understanding takes time. This is a new flower bed- is that grass, or, did I plant some little flower I’ve since forgotten about? I can plow them all under or …wait. Learning to wait is another principle the garden teaches. Patience is a virtue that often escapes me.

Golden Carpet is a wonderful addition to any garden. Once established, it grows willy-nilly. This year, rather then buy, I chose to transplant a bunch into various garden beds that needed ground cover. I covered them with much and water them daily as their shallow roots are vulnerable until established. Babies like being babied. Fortunately, they grow much more quickly then human babies.

If you’ve been following my blog, there’s this set of antique English gates that’s been recurring the last many months. sustainabilityWe’ve finally made it to the installation phase- turning it back into a workable gate at the opening of the new garden! One more section to install and final paint to go. Bob Kluge and Anvil Artistry works magic!  If you live in New England-and even if you have to travel….you too, can discover Bob’s work firsthand.

Sustainability doesn’t begin or end in a garden. I really liked this statement I found online. “ Social sustainability is … dependent on the relationship between the social and the natural, with the “ecological domain” defined as human embeddedness in the environment.” My design work is embedded in a love of the outdoors. In summer time, I require an inordinate amount of garden time to feed creativity year round. If you garden, I think you understand. If you don’t, maybe you should experience it! There’s always more to learn.

A wonderful sustainable garden addition…a solar powered water feature!!! Awesome. The lilies and hydrangeas are still bloomingsustainability here in CT.

Roses are ALWAYS in bloom at Paola Prints!

You can buy rose pillows for your home!


Peachy, a favorite Paola Prints rose

Rhiannon Giddens performs a beautiful rendition of Wayfaring Stranger.

















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  1. Joseph Liekweg

    As I get older, sustainability seems a given in whatever I do, for whatever reason.
    The banjo version of Wayfairing Stranger is unbelevably beautiful.
    Maybe there’s still time for me to master banjo, which seems only a past memory.
    Such a gorgeous song😀

    • Yes, it’s a pretty song. Rhiannon is classically trained in opera. She cut her teeth with a group called Carolina Chocolate Drops. This song was great too, very fun- https://youtu.be/lPl8qlKq41o
      Sustainability as a concept, is so far outside of people’s understanding I think in the day to day. I mean, what’s wrong with you, if you can’t have it all, anytime, anywhere?

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