Ultra Violet Reaches For a Higher Level

Ultra Violet is a blue purple color and one of my favorites. It’s become even more popular for the art industry in 2018, chosen as color of the year by Pantone, who suggests that “Ultra Violet lights the way of what is yet to come. Awareness brought to a higher level.” Leatrice Eiseman, Exec. Director of the Pantone Color Institute. I’m good with that. Related Images:
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Be Kind to Your House Plants

It’s time. With holiday decorations put away, it’s time for all good house plants to get attention. Long suffering through summer when the outdoor plants rule, our house plants have settled in for winter and are showing the affects of dry air and root constriction. The patient Robusta Snake Plant (probably the oldest plant we own) has been suffering quietly in a short ceramic pot that just doesn’t have enough depth for root growth. I FINALLY got her into a larger pot, lightly tied up for now until she can stabilize. I’m pretty sure I’ve been over watering too. Snake
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