They’re Baaack!

They’re Baaack! The skunk cabbage are here. And more coming. One of my favorite signs of spring. I just have to write about them every year! It’s not just their color and shape. Or the fact that they’re pioneers, early adaptors. Or perhaps it’s their undeniable motherly qualities against all odds and threat of inclement weather. Interestingly, skunk cabbage also reminds me of the work of the artist Henry Spencer Moore- a celebrated English sculptor known for his monumental semi- abstract bronze sculptures. An artist my dad was a big fan of. Read more here about the story of incredible
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Guilty as charged

The skunk cabbages have sprung and I’m in love. I spent most of the day outside Saturday, after dutifully planning to stay inside to work on my High Point pillow booth. Instead, I raked the garden, loaded in wood and cleaned the pellet stove.  Oh, the guilt I had to beat back. The sun came out today and melted most of the last  (?) Spring snow. Related Images:
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