And I ain’t counting. Does anybody else rearrange the furniture in order to bring a tree inside this time of year? We have a large open living area and rearranging furniture can be a lot of fun every so often. But what to put where?
I found this article fun and easy to read (always a plus) with some helpful ideas, and photos too! I especially liked the concept of throwing symmetry off. My kind of thinking.
This was my week to associate with other photographers. Two of us spent several hours this morning working on new photos for Paola’s HOUZZ pages. It will take a couple weeks till they’re ready to post, but you can visit now and see where we started…and yes, you can also buy pillows here (!)
Brad Stanton (in Brookfield CT) is a wonderful product man to work with-generous, kind and wonderfully knowledgeable about digital photography. Count on him to always have a new toy he’s actually mastered. Can’t wait to see the latest pics. I snuck in a couple new Spring pillows..but those won’t post till February when we actually have inventory on them.
Last week, I had the pleasure of making the acquaintance of photographer Howard Schatz. He’s done some stunning photography (and his writing isn’t too shabby either). I find his blog to be another good way to elude the pressure cooker that so quickly descends in advance of holiday preparation.
I also like to escape into the great outdoors. and if you can’t get there, look at cool photos! OK, so these can look a little outrageous but I enjoyed the ride.
Music for me is another great place to be when life gets tiring. A lovely duet by two lovely voices. Linda Ronstadt & Aaron Neville. Don’t know much. But I love this song.
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