I know WordPress won’t appreciate my short title. I don’t care. Which is a phrase that siblings will understand. Many of you know I grew up in a very large family, eleven children- four brothers and six sisters. You learn quickly that you can’t care about everything someone does or you’ll lose it. Life lessons that have served me well.

My mother, with her first of seven daughters, Matilda. She did love her babies!
You always have friends in family at the end of the day, and when one falls out of favor, there’s always another. Presently, we are all far flung, which is fine by me- sometimes you can have too much of a good thing. And I love them all. I wouldn’t trade that life experience for the world. Living with brothers and sisters.
One thing I also learned, was a love for the outdoors. We gardened every Spring and each had our own plot into which we planted whatever we desired, usually a mix of flowers and vegetables. I learned a lot about preparing the soil, working it, planting seeds, and….waiting impatiently till they appeared. I’m still not patient, but I have learned what happens every Spring, and when the plants do emerge, it’s always newly wonderful!
Here are a couple sisters who miraculously, work together. Patty and Leigh Anne, formed O Ecotextiles in 2004 and they blog about fabric from a health perspective. You may have heard about frightening conditions overseas with textile factories that employ children working long hours using harmful chemicals for leather curing. We take for granted our laws that have been developed over many years. It’s worth remembering that it takes vigilance to keep it so. People, parents want to know about fabric that’s brought into the US and used in our homes, on our bodies.
The sisters recently posted a publication released by CHEM Trust, a UK registered charity that works at European, UK and international levels to prevent man-made chemicals from causing long-term damage to wildlife or humans by substituting safer alternatives.
If you have additional questions or are looking for more very well researched information on topics important to us all, check out the sisters here.
My story is more straightforward. I’m crazy about natural fiber and COLOR. We’re working on new surface designs but Paola Pillows will always be a first love for me. All are made from flowers and plants I grow here in Connecticut. What’s not to love about cotton and soft feather down to come home to every night? Nothing!
They’re made even softer if you have some music to listen to by the Lost Brothers, as you sink into a couple. The Lost Brothers are an Irish musical duo formed by Mark McCausland and Oisin Leech, formerly of The 747s.
Love the song Gold & Silver. They’ve been performing for over 14 years in “intimate spaces” More about the band and its schedule here
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