Let it Snow.

Bring on hibernation then- even though Fall was waaay too short. Let’s slow time down, just a bit please.

When snow brings in the cold I say, bring on the soup stock – featuring home grown bay leaves gifted from a friend in northern California. Yum! Way to warm it up. Besides, I woke up at 4 am with nowhere to go.

Toward the end of September, Larry snagged an opportunity to switch houses for a month in Seattle, Washington, starting just before Halloween. Happily, we changed houses with my brother and sister-in-law, so not so scary, just labor-intensive. Fortunately, we didn’t realize that prepping the house for such a gambit, in addition to fall garden and lawn processing was INSANE. Did I mention I was also committed to labeling and packaging scarf and pillow products for a fair, happening just as we returned in November? Ignorance is bliss.

Except. We landed in Seattle at the end of October and came down with Covid a few days later.   Fortunately, the house was gorgeous and we had nothing to do..except get well and finally plan our vacay.

We soon discovered a great coffee shop close to home which quickly motivated Larry to research and design a full-on coffee crawl. What a blast! 

One of our favorites was surprisingly a fabulous downtown Seattle Starbucks that included some unique coffees but more importantly things we never find in NE Starbucks-pastries and pizza, no less! Highly recommend.
We stayed in Ballard, a residential neighborhood and frequently drove into Downtown. The level of shipping and visitor activity was impressive. Notice the elusive Mt. Ranier you can just barely see it on the far left.

Looking for a unique experience near the water? Ballard Locks is a great experience, even if you don’t have kids in tow.  It wasn’t fish running season, but we still saw the smaller of the two locks in action. Cool. 

We might have felt chilled but the seagull was cool.
Pioneer Square -in the heart of old Seattle – is the place to go to experience Seattle’s early history. Turn-of-the-century street lamps line the square. We stopped there on our way to Seattle Underground-another must see, with an incredible early Seattle story.

After a couple weeks, we drove to Portland to visit my sister- just when it stopped raining. (They told us it rains a lot in Oregon too but not this time!) If you ever travel to the Pacific NW, the Portland Japanese Garden is a MUST VISIT. It’s also known as “forest bathing.” The site of a defunct zoo, the hilly property is a meandering up and down experience of gardening delight. With a lovely luncheon spot perched above the paths, it also boasts ( I kid you not…HEATED toilets.) I didn’t get the brand but I will..

I cannot tell a lie, I bought a small bag of moss to plant in spring, called Moss Shake. Check out the far left of this picture. Moss was an integral design feature throughout the gardens.
The visitor buildings had wonderful “living roofs” with stones artfully positioned beneath the roof edge to catch the runoff.

New Scarves Incoming

I had just sent out for a few new smaller infinity scarves before leaving for Seattle. This one I call Holiday Cozy- for the holidays-or any other chilly day- three in stock now that can ship right away..
I traveled with my iPad for reading and drawing – a welcome respite during COVID time. Happily, I discovered a new scarf I call Seattle, here in progress. Coming soon to a chiffon near you!

Chiffon Scarves and Pillows in stock too. Reach out and tell me how I can help. We process cash and credit cards safely through Paypal, Square, Venmo and Zelle.

Not infrequently, Larry and I lament about our inability to relate to some of the new musicians. I apologize for that. As Larry says, here are two that cleared the way for us to better integrate the hip hop genre. Listen to the words. Quite lovely. Kuf Knotz and Christine Elise played recently at Cafe Nine in New Haven. Sorry to miss them! Look for them in your area. I know we will.

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