When we bought the cement pedestals for the garden last week, I realized that once again we’d jumped into the process of finding just the right pot to go with them. Home décor –(in this case “garden” décor) has come a long way since we re-did the house almost six years ago. Now, there are tools available to people 24/7- working through decisions about stuff for living spaces.
For example-paint sites, or home décor sites like this one at Better Homes & Gardens go a long way. You can find virtually all the tools you need to visualize things.
By the end of the day though, if you haven’t yet torn out your hair, hopefully you’ll find what works best to get to that magic place where it all comes together. In some cases, you might be better off HIRING someone who has training and access to specific tools that get you where you want to go.
For me, I do a lot of internet search and capture. I grab images of all different kinds and then start playing in Photoshop to see how things look.
This time, as with others, I was surprised at the end how my first ideas really didn’t work. It’s important to give yourself time to arrive at the truth about size, color and shapes inside your space. Camera phones and software go a long way. It was a surprise to quickly find a pot I liked and, at a good price -which helped accelerate the process. I hadn’t really planned on resolving it before winter. Visions of building fiberglass pots from scratch and painting them to get just the right look had already come to mind. Thank God, that didn’t work out.

Sometimes, it’s really hard to visualize even the size of what you’re looking at. I literally made a paper dummy that was to scale. Then, I could drop it into the pedestal photo.
In the end, we were able to bring old and modern together, which appears to be an overarching theme for us. And, we got free shipping! Wow. I’ll let you know how it works out next week when the pots come in. Fingers crossed.
So, we’re approaching October and I was looking for an early Halloween song to share. Remember this? Werewolves of London. Warren Zevon was an acclaimed singer songwriter from LA, often remembered for Werewolves, but as an artist’s artist, although he was known to many famous musicians-the public less so. You’d be surprised to learn what other songs he wrote and people he worked with. He was also a hard drinking guy very difficult to live with. However, as David Crosby wrote,”He was and remains one of my favorite songwriters. He saw things with a jaundiced eye that still got the humanity of things.”
Zevon shared a friendship with David Letterman and I’ve included an interview with Letterman from October 2002– the year before he passed where he talked about life and his life-ending lung cancer. It is a bit cynical but also funny. A takeaway. Although we don’t have ultimate control over life’s end, we do have control over what we do and say in the meantime. How will we be remembered?
This story about Zevon’s life paints a fuller picture.
Paola Pillows work for every season, at every time of life. This year, and every fall, red is a recurring theme. It just fits. What do you think?
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