Sheltering at home for those of us able to do so has its blessings. Projects that have gone begging for months have re-appeared with a vengeance here in Litchfield. Are YOU bored? Give me a call, I’ll take care of that for you.
One big project is repair to our god of the garden – Serenity. Serenity is the wooden Thai Buddha we bought in Brimfield MA. He’s been sitting on his throne for almost ten years now. We move him into the barn in winter, but the weather and rain have overcome him. Once again, this is the year to do some serious repair.

In 2017, I could tell it was time to seal the outside of Buddha’s body. Unbeknownst to me, his suffering was dramatically systemic. As we carried him outside after an initial sealing, we dropped him and he broke clean in half along an existing construction line.

Fast Forward to Spring 2020
Serenity has endured much. You can see below, his hand that was joined to his thigh with a concealed screw and his elbow joint and shoulder took on so much moisture they broke down and simply fell off once we made the cut to his upper arm.

Speaking of one of our favorite shopping places…Brimfield Antique Show is online is this week. You can find it here.
This year, all fairs are off. Which means, I’m scrambling to convert new inventory to an online selling platform. Think of local artists when looking for gifts. We’re all around you. We now have scarves in stock and more designs on the runway. Stay tuned!

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