Mid Century Art -in the Eye of the Beholder

We visited the Bridgeport Technology Center in Bridgeport on Friday to preview the Black Rock Gallery (BRG) Mid-Century Art Auction – currently online. This was our first visit  and it was an experience. Took a while to find in a town that time seems to have passed by. Downtown Bridgeport- been there? It’s best to know exactly where you’re going. The show was held in a large collection of  industrial buildings. The viewing was on the 2nd floor of a very large building. Related Images:
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Never-ending Fall Clean Up- What’s a Gardener to Do?

New England is a classic draw in the fall. People travel from far and wide to get the color experience. Gardeners rake forever, and clean gutters in between -especially if you’re fortunate enough to have maple trees overhanging the entire front of your home and garden. And dear Larry to get up on the ladder with a garden hose. Fall plant care..can’t live with it, can’t live without it. Related Images:
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