People spend a lot of time dreaming of foreverness -thinking that the “now” will last forever. It never does. Nature offers some flowers just one day- like the incredibly beautiful morning glory. It opens in the morning and enfolds by end of day. I planted morning glories a few years running until I discovered that although it’s a glorious flower, it’s born from a destructive invasive vine that returns and multiplies every year, even diminishing in its ability to bear flowers. I’ve grown more cautious with plant selection. And I’m still digging those vines out of the garden. Every plant
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Heavenly Blue Indigo in a Morning Glory
Indigo blue is the color of a magnificent aging morning glory. Morning glories open in the morning and die at night. The color indigo is described as between (primary) blue and the color violet on a color wheel. It’s sometimes called blue violet. Think blueberries or new blue jeans. Indigo is thought to embody the concepts of stability and truthfulness. “True blue.” Its closeness to violet also calls to mind authority and royalty. Related Images:
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Morning Glory
Photography is an art form I use as a conduit for translating my garden into home décor. As a child I immersed myself in the great outdoors and was continuously absorbed with all kinds of tactile art media like paints, crayons,pastels, clay and paper mache. Technology for art purposes Related Images:
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