Garden Design

I don’t know about you, but my flowers have been funky this Spring. They seem to have been arrested by a premature warm spell followed by snow. The azaleas have just started to bloom, but in a manner I’ve never seen. They’re flowering at the ground level. All other buds are still tightly closed. I have three or four azalea bushes in different colors all doing the same thing. Time to start a new garden! Related Images:
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Paola Prints Green

Spring has not yet come to Connecticut- although I’ve had several sprout sightings indicating it’s not too far off…Better get out soon and rake off the beds. Today was spent making calls and working on a new print order. Related Images:
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Naturally Stunning Throw Pillows

I love trying out my beautiful hosta throw pillows in different places. People worry about integrating unusual colors or prints into a living space. I get that. All the pieces have to work well together or you have chaos- which isn’t exactly comfortable when you’re trying to relax after a long day. Paola Pillows are extroverts. Related Images:
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