Florida: Where Art Meets Nature

Florida is many things. Boring is not one of them. Our recent trip on the eve of Spring break, drove that point home. Do you recognize any of the wanton Phalaenopsis orchids in the photo, thriving on the tree trunks? ( I’ve killed several attempting to raise them a dry New England home). They’re at home in Florida. One thing that jumped out in Miami was how intensely nature informs art. I’ve never been to the south of Florida before. As with many temperate places, warmth creates an enduring sense of wellbeing in the out-of-doors. As a plant lover, I totally appreciated
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Happy Halloween!

How much do YOU know about candy corn? I’m a huge fan. Straight sugar and the texture..So apparently are many others.  Did you ever wonder WHY it’s called candy corn?  The story of candy corn. Got any leftovers? Candy corn cookies!  Fair time is here and I’m thrilled to say we have eight new designs. Four are the original chiffon scarf, and four are our brand new all cotton infinity scarf just in time for chilly weather. I still haven’t got photos for all of them so be patient. Soon! We’re doing three fairs – all are in Connecticut: Saturday, November
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American Crafting- Handmade in America

As the weather continues flip flopping to spring, we keep the stoves cranking one day and clean them out the next. No question the signs of change are in the air. We’re spending all our time indoors working and planning for the coming months. I try to avoid looking at the little green shoots outside sending up a general alert about cleaning the  garden. (I’m not ready for that!) Related Images:
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