Summertime is all around us.

Summer is in full swing and the orange daisies and yellow day lilies are a welcome addition to dense green foliage. I especially like this one that  newly opened, looks like powered sugar is sprinkled across its petals. If I was a bee, I’m sure I’d have lunch there. Related Images:
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Summertime is Outdoor Time

Forsyth Park in Savannah, Georgia offers a refreshing antidote to the heat of summer -fountains! I sometimes forget that cooking a hot meal in July is not a good idea. It’s also hard to find alternatives that don’t require too much brainpower. My friend Alison has some great ideas. I also love it that she tells you why certain foods are better to eat in summertime. Some days I need all the help I can get in that department. Fresh & Healthy Summer Eating Tips with Herbs.. Related Images:
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