Spring and History -Comfort in Repetition

Yesterday afternoon we arrived in Savannah. It’s been a few years yet it feels like little has changed. It’s spring and the azaleas and camellias are in bloom. The grass is green -it happens sooner here then in New England, which is one reason we come. Related Images:
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Tea-A Winning Combination of Comfort and Good Health

People cannot live on Paola Pillows alone- and as the cold lingers, rewarding yourself with a soothing hot beverage is a great habit to nurture. Recently, I’ve become a convert to the pleasant multi-sensoral experience of tea. A virtual postprandial delight-sample after lunch before fading. Alison Birks, my favorite nutritionist, is a world-class herbalist who also makes awesome tea blends. This one is especially great in winter and loaded with things to make a body happy. You won’t find the ingredients in a typical grocery store chain. Look for them in a large health food store or, in Woodbury CT at
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