Paola Prints -High Point 2016

I’ve spent the last few days flat out, putting together advertising and artwork and, and, and, together for a big trip south in a few short weeks. If you find yourself in North Carolina, look us up at the Suites At Market Square, Booth 1-640. Related Images:
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Home Décor Imitating Nature

Home décor follows the seasons. There’s a reason for that. In the natural world, new plant life emerges in spring, grows, and then dies off in fall. Regardless of whether a person has a real interest in being outdoors, our lives follow the cycle of the seasons by default- just consider our shopping habits- end of summer school clothes, holiday gifts and who doesn’t need a new bag come spring? Related Images:
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American Crafting- Handmade in America

As the weather continues flip flopping to spring, we keep the stoves cranking one day and clean them out the next. No question the signs of change are in the air. We’re spending all our time indoors working and planning for the coming months. I try to avoid looking at the little green shoots outside sending up a general alert about cleaning the  garden. (I’m not ready for that!) Related Images:
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Artists Convene at American Craft Council Show

Paola Prints was juried into the flagship show of the American Craft Council, held February 17-21, at the Baltimore Convention Center. Seemed wise to walk the show this year and make plans for 2017-as I’d never been to it. It was fun! It was good  to compare it with my visit to NY NOW a couple weeks ago. I met lots of talented artists and all around good people. Related Images:
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Chasing Sunny Days

It’s finally become snowy and gray as we’ve moved quickly into winter here in Connecticut (not much time left-yeah!). Thoughts turn to sunny days.…Yes, that’s my lovely hosta Classic pillow hiding in the Spring azaleas. Related Images:
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Fetching Fabric in February

I sliced into a photo from a paper wasp nest to create a backdrop for the red pillow I call Rosa. Happy Valentine’s in advance! Nature’s fabric is a recurring theme in my artwork- I see it in every plant, flower or…insect nest. Related Images:
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Carnival Indulgence

Tuesday, February 9, 2016 is Carnevale! Carnevale is an ancient celebration that goes back to the Middle Ages.  Of course, I’m a fave of the Italian version. But no matter the country, if you’re reading this post? Your job is to find a way to party today, part time, all day or tonight. It could be as simple as special food or…a treat for home or office. Related Images:
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Hidden Roses and Paola Prints

Growing up, we took lots of road trips. My mother was always well prepared. We had all kinds of reading, books with puzzles and word completion games. My favorites were always the ones with hidden pictures or comparing seemingly similar photos, trying to find the ways they were different. Related Images:
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Valentine’s 2016 is around the corner

And so we begin. February 1 marks the first day of this year’s march to Valentine’s Day. Each post in this period will be devoted to bringing you something new, something beautiful or fun, just because.. too much time is devoted to doing things that we must! Related Images:
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