White Is In

It’s always a kick when the gladiolas show up after weeks of rain and green. There’s something special about the white ones too. Gladiolas are my one ongoing concession to a summer bulb. Planting and staking, digging up and storing. And starting over again next year. The gift they give is a long running bloom- pretty both in the garden and at home. Related Images:
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Seven Designs For You

Paola scarves are now available to order. Have a look. If you love them, consider a wonderful addition to your wardrobe, AND, please pass them on. I appreciate it! Related Images:
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Marking Changes Over Time

The photos of my daughter Bridget were taken this past week on her wedding day. As a mother, I’ve witnessed many changes over her lifetime both subtle and dramatic. Then again, some things change and  some don’t. Related Images:
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