A Splash of Color

As the holidays draw closer, the New England landscape adopts a very subdued color profile- all things tan and brown. The addition of grey skies completes the picture, signaling impending snow events. Related Images:
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Holidays Incoming

“Happy Thanksgiving”  is over. Onto the holidays. Makes me tired even thinking about it. It was good while Thanksgiving  lasted. I always love the preparation for kids coming home. And, hosting them at our local White Memorial gangplank… Aside from cooking for family and eating steadily, it’s been a big week for Paola Prints. We just went live on HOUZZ- still working out some bugs. I’ll have a HOUZZ link for you next post. If you’re looking for festive pillows to warm you in the winter season…we have ten designs in stock-check them out here. We’re selling wholesale and direct.
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A History of Pillows

The other day I wandered into a google discussion about the history of pillows. It appears the original purpose of pillows wasn’t so much about comfort but keeping bugs out of your mouth. Related Images:
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