Nothing quite says sunshine like the close up of a white angel trumpet lily. Truthfully, this gorgeous flower did not bloom in my March garden. Since we REALLY needed a little sunshine in our lives – we happily headed south just before Spring Break. And, we left there literally the day before the youthful crazies descended to pack the streets. Social distancing was not yet in vogue. Mother Nature has a way of washing cares away. There are many places in the country I haven’t yet visited, but this year I was determined to visit southern Florida. Larry did not
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Maine Travelogue
Our summer vacation this year began in Somerville MA, a comfortable driving pause enroute to Newburyport and Maine. The bonus was lunch with my son and his fiancée. Caught up in a whirlwind of late fall wedding plans as they are, we figured the best way to get their attention was over a meal. It worked really well! After lunch, we drove to Newburyport for an overnight at a bed and breakfast called the Essex Street Inn, close to downtown. Great location. Lovely people. The following day we drove to Harrison ME to catch up with old friends. Harrison is
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Relief From the Everyday
So much in life can become mundane if we’re not careful. Stay alert! Spring offers so much new life without any effort on our part except to stay alert to the signs. Smells, bird sounds, new green and yes, daffodils and hyacinth scattered about the slumbering beds. Gardeners experience firsthand the benefits we draw from gardening. I love my gardens and am inspired every time I look out over them. Others take comfort in ways that are uniquely healing for them. This week is full court press getting ready for the Simsbury Flea and Smorgasbord Show. Saturday, (rain or shine)
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Welcome Rain Falls,Unwelcome Pests Emerge
I’ll never tire of waking at night to the sound of rain falling. Walking outside in a morning garden and seeing the blessed dark soil tells you it was good all around. Late July into August leads quickly into maintenance, which this week included pruning, staking and pest control. Related Images:
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