Florida: Where Art Meets Nature

Florida is many things. Boring is not one of them. Our recent trip on the eve of Spring break, drove that point home. Do you recognize any of the wanton Phalaenopsis orchids in the photo, thriving on the tree trunks? ( I’ve killed several attempting to raise them a dry New England home). They’re at home in Florida. One thing that jumped out in Miami was how intensely nature informs art. I’ve never been to the south of Florida before. As with many temperate places, warmth creates an enduring sense of wellbeing in the out-of-doors. As a plant lover, I totally appreciated
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Some Flowers Resemble A Flight of Fancy

People spend a lot of time dreaming of foreverness -thinking that the “now” will last forever. It never does. Nature offers some flowers just one day- like the incredibly beautiful morning glory. It opens in the morning and enfolds by end of day. I planted morning glories a few years running until I discovered that although it’s a glorious flower, it’s born from a destructive invasive vine that returns and multiplies every year, even diminishing in its ability to bear flowers. I’ve grown more cautious with plant selection. And I’m still digging those vines out of the garden. Every plant
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Life in Black and White

I will die a colorist. At the same time. In the beginning, an artist has to deny her creative self and start simply. It’s part of any learning process, regardless of vocation. The markers are everywhere. How often have you heard the words “Baby steps; One day at a time; or First things first?” In art school, Drawing 101 begins with charcoal and a still life. Fast forward. One lens used in the new film Roma cost in the neighborhood of $80,000. Film director Alfonso Cuaron did NOT get there overnight.  Roma lead actress, Yalitza Aparicio is new to acting
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American History Offers Respite

 On Thursday and Friday we were en route home to Connecticut from Savannah. If you’ve never been south, you owe it to yourself to go. As per usual, it was wonderful. Full of the people and sights that many of us growing up in the Northeast haven’t had occasion to experience but need to. It was a visit full of American history. Related Images:
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