Living a Colorfully Diverse Life

Many say that we’ve become intolerant of people different from ourselves. You can see evidence that supports this. Living in places where we only hang out with people like us or putting our noses in a phone everywhere we go. Sometimes, we engage in a lot of inward turning – regardless of which side of the proverbial aisle we live on. Related Images:
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It’s Independence Day. Take A Chance.

Every person, not just the first Americans, yearns to be free. Independence Day is a time to reflect on that. This might simply mean trying something new. Consider that in your own life this year, or any day. Nobody could accuse the early settlers of being timid or not taking chances. It’s not easy but I think we have to keep working for independence every day. Related Images:
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Colors and Serenity In A Summer Garden

My husband gave me dusty pink roses for my birthday. I quickly realized that aside from green, shades of pinks are the main colors in the summer garden at present-with peonies and spirea bushes. Along with the rich brown hue of the Serenity Statue.  Related Images:
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Hosta Blooms Incoming

Last year at this time, I spent the better part of the day in the garden getting ready for a bridal shower. This year, we’re in recovery just back from my daughter’s wedding. And the hosta blooms are incoming.  Related Images:
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Inside Flowers and Outside Flowers

This year has been such a wonderful year for flowers that I’ve had a hard time cutting them. What’s the motivation? They’re thriving outside. All the peonies that have been staked, tied, keep coming. The rain has been brutal yet there is no denying the difference between last year and this. Would that every year were so!  Still, I’m starving for inside flowers! Related Images:
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Gardens are more than flowers

Now that the bones of the new garden are in place, I’m learning each month what’s working or not from a plant perspective. At the same time, flower gardens are more than just flowers. A garden can be a sanctuary, a place for being. Related Images:
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A New England Garden Grows Quickly

It’s hard to stay inside on computer when the garden is growing so fast- especially with all the rain we’ve had. Allium is a beautiful member of the onion family. It’s also a welcome addition to the garden when azaleas and lilacs fade. Related Images:
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Survivor Plants

I’ve developed certain attitudes about plants overtime that are akin to attitudes about life. Attitudes evolve for a combination of reasons, some inherited, some experiential, some associative and some just whimsical. Related Images:
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Communicating Garden Design Through Pictures

I’m not entirely sure how long I’ve been communicating with the world through pictures but I suspect it’s a habit as old as me. I love to draw and paint, and so communicating about a proposed garden design visually, makes perfect sense. Besides, I think better drawing. Related Images:
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