Happy Thanksgiving!

Big snow in the northwest corner of CT. Ten percent chance is already five inches and growing. Happily we’ve kept power when other parts of CT have lost theirs. That knowledge sends me off to the kitchen to continue Thanksgiving prep. Related Images:
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Recipe For a Great Thanksgiving

I seem to recall that the meal the colonists ate on the first thanksgiving was largely supplied by their Indian hosts. Work with me on this. There’s very little planning involved  and  you probably still have one more day to find a store to prepare your turkey. Related Images:
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A Hosta Farewell to Autumn in Litchfield

Well, that was a learning curve. Never made a slideshow.  I collected some of my favorite Autumn hosta leaves just before composting them and made one for you- threw in a little music too.  Click on the center of the graphic and the video will start.  Fun? Right. I plan to do more another time. Related Images:
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Please Pass the Bulbs

With the colder weather, a new appreciation of interior spaces comes over me. The muted outdoor landscape makes each remaining color a treasure…like an autumn crocus for example. Related Images:
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You’re Gonna Miss Me When I’m Gone

We‘re visiting a dear old friend in the hospital tomorrow, probably for the last time. I love the name of this song that surfaced today as I was driving down the road. Boris, our friend, is a HUGE jazz fan and is also forever young at heart. Related Images:
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Paola Pillows Over Time

I got married the first time, way too young. Which caused me to settle early in a very narrow geography. As a consequence although I’ve lived all my life on the east coast, I still find myself drawn to varied and far away places. Related Images:
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Roses, Roses and Romance

Nothing quite says it like roses. Every year as I begin to catch a whiff of Christmas in the air, I start to feel ROMANTIC. Why is that? In honor of romance, I’m devoting this blog post to fanning the flames of the romantic heart. Related Images:
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