Paola Prints Green

Spring has not yet come to Connecticut- although I’ve had several sprout sightings indicating it’s not too far off…Better get out soon and rake off the beds. Today was spent making calls and working on a new print order. Related Images:
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Spring Cleanse

Spring has always been an emotional roller coaster for me. On the one hand, it’s so drop dead gorgeous and fresh, you could stay outside all day long. On the other hand… Related Images:
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Fighting Off Cold Weather Naturally

Frigid outdoor temperatures, indoor heating, crackling fires in the hearth -these hallmarks of winter can take a toll on skin and lead to dry, cracked hands, flaky, itchy bodies and rough red faces.  Enough! You too, can beat winter dryness with a few changes to your daily routine and proper nutrition. Alison Birks is my nutritionist and sometimes I twist her arm to give me health tips. I was whining the other day about my dry hands and feet and here’s what I got…Thanks Alison! Related Images:
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Why I blog

It’s a time consuming process to shoot many photos and work on them until I’ve achieved a design I consider to be “viable pillow art”. Maybe one in 2,000 photos is even brought under that kind of scrutiny. So, I enjoy the opportunity of sharing its evolution in pictures and words. In that way, blogging balances the creative part of my life. Related Images:
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Sunflowers Warm

As I was working on my photo for this post, it was especially hard to figure how to graphically separate the flower from the pillows. I like them to relate since each Paola pillow original is taken from a real photo, shot in the last three years. I never got to it- until today… Related Images:
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Loving Christmas

I’m sending this message out for my son Daniel, who couldn’t be here with us this Christmas. Sometimes the holidays can be so crazy it’s easy to lose sight of the really important part of the season. Related Images:
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White Christmas

This flower reminds me of fire rather than late summer…which it was. There was snow on the ground in Litchfield this morning and we’ve got the stoves stoked with wood and pellets. It’s feeling cozy inside as the world outside rushes to Christmas. Related Images:
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Rooibos Winter Spice Tea

People cannot live on Paola Pillows alone- and as the days get shorter and darker, you need to take a break wherever you can get it. I’m a huge believer in the importance of surrounding yourself with multi-sensorial comforts- visual, sound, smell and gustatory pleasures…in combination. Especially during the holidays. Related Images:
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