Tulsa Time

Fall in Connecticut is in full swing but  we just flew into Tulsa this afternoon.  Got off the plane and it was 85 degrees. Summer reset. Related Images:
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Tryon Palace Gardens

Impressive statues of the four seasons watch over the formal parterre known as the Latham Garden, to the side of the Tryon Palace. Tryon Palace was the first permanent home of the North Carolina governor in colonial times. (“Palace” was just another word for the governor’s home). Originally built in 1767, the palace burned to the ground soon after the capital was moved to Raleigh.  Related Images:
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Still Life at Market

My mother used to set up a “still life” for drawing practice. She was the first in a series of many teachers who taught me the basics of composition and the dynamic relationship between shape, color and light. A “still life” is something like a booth at a trade show. A static representation of life. Related Images:
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I Don’t Want To Know

Very soon, I’m going to bed.. and I don’t want to know what I didn’t finish tonight. My poor husband just finished removing a thousand staples from the biggest piece of stretched canvas headed to our booth at High Point Market because it wouldn’t fit in the car. (Shhh, don’t tell my sister who stapled it together) Can’t wait to re-do it again Wednesday afternoon. Found a great little table…and two chairs. If you’re at Market working, stop by our booth at 1-640, and prepare to get comfortable. Today’s single greatest booth addition was this: Shipped direct to North Carolina.
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Winging Home

It’s time to head back to Connecticut. OMG. It’s stopped raining. As we descended into Seattle Sunday, you could see the rain on the windows. Today is the first day you can begin to see light through a cloudy sky. Related Images:
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Standing up to Thanksgiving

Every year about this time, a vague feeling of dread comes over me—time to cook for Thanksgiving. (I’m babysitting cheesecake as I write). I decided to get a jump on dessert and just say no to pies this year. Besides, cheesecake will freeze and improve with age. Related Images:
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Say Goodbye to Summer

I finally got outside to fertilize the azaleas and put my last “discount plant” finds in the ground. Of course, that meant bulbs, watering and chips too. After a couple hours racing around, I realized I’d pretty much failed “being in the moment”. I tried. Got a lot done though. Related Images:
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Happy Endings

For the paper wasps not so much. A happy ending to the growing season for the dahlia tubers- ready to come inside. That’s one of their dahlias on the right. I was amazed at the wasp nest. It hung very high overhead on a tree branch in the backyard getting bigger by the minute until one day the crows discovered it. They attacked it, tore it from the tree and devoured what they found. We were hiding inside the house (totally gleeful because they did such a good job, had a great meal, AND we didn’t have to do it
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Monster Colors

Everybody looks for the wonderfully weird when Halloween rolls around. And if  you can’t find it you make it up.This photo was of an aging tulip I shot a couple years ago. A pumpkin wanna be! Related Images:
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Leaf Lights in Autumn

The sun is absolutely golden this time of year. I went out late this afternoon to shoot around and realized I had some prep work to do (raking the beds) and was a little too late to capture the pretty light traveling through the leaves. Related Images:
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