Azaleas and NYC

Just for the record….The azaleas are officially- in bloom in Litchfield, Connecticut. I feel happy…when I see them coloring the landscape. Related Images:
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Fighting Off Cold Weather Naturally

Frigid outdoor temperatures, indoor heating, crackling fires in the hearth -these hallmarks of winter can take a toll on skin and lead to dry, cracked hands, flaky, itchy bodies and rough red faces.  Enough! You too, can beat winter dryness with a few changes to your daily routine and proper nutrition. Alison Birks is my nutritionist and sometimes I twist her arm to give me health tips. I was whining the other day about my dry hands and feet and here’s what I got…Thanks Alison! Related Images:
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Why I blog

It’s a time consuming process to shoot many photos and work on them until I’ve achieved a design I consider to be “viable pillow art”. Maybe one in 2,000 photos is even brought under that kind of scrutiny. So, I enjoy the opportunity of sharing its evolution in pictures and words. In that way, blogging balances the creative part of my life. Related Images:
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Springtime is Around the Corner

Today was Ash Wednesday- the first day of Lent. The word “Lent” comes from the Middle English word ‘lenten” meaning Springtime.  These flowers were blooming in my Connecticut garden at the end of last Spring. Do they make you feel warmer? Yes! Like many people in the NE, we’ve been inside a lot. The wood stove’s been acting up so we shut it down until we can get it looked at -which means no more wood gathering. (Not all bad..) The stove guy is busy rescuing people with no other heat source (we have oil back-up) whose pipes have frozen.
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Will you still love me tomorrow?

This is a shot of the foyer floor we did in 2012- before and after grout. Mexican tiles, by design, are irregular both in shape and color. The color variation was fine with me, but the shape created a nightmare that only our builder and tile people could resolve. Related Images:
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