The Garden-Winter Dormant

This winter I’ve felt particularly dormant. Apologies all around for not maintaining blog posts in recent weeks. My right hand is still in the first of two casts following hand surgery on December 18. This, and future posts are being dictated voice to text. What a drag. However, surgery was the entrée for the Ultimate Christmas Gift. A couple weeks ahead I received a text from my daughter-in-law. ”Could we bring dinner?” No second request needed. Christmas dinner was awesome as several couples and my son, the Maple Bacon King, descended on the house and prepared a MOST tasty dinner.
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Getting a Head Start on Fall 2019 Scarves

#1. Pay No Attention to the Head Inside the Scarf  Introducing the new Paola infinity scarf. Some of you were asking last year for a scarf more suited to colder weather. I’m addressing both fabric and styling changes. Infinity scarves aren’t new of course.. The Infinity scarf is a different creature. Natural fibers and printing are also more costly as the goods are less wide. Monday, I should get back some color swatches. I ordered a bunch to see what the colors will do on three different fabric options.  Considerations For You Today.. What do you think? As with the chiffon
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Still Life at Market

My mother used to set up a “still life” for drawing practice. She was the first in a series of many teachers who taught me the basics of composition and the dynamic relationship between shape, color and light. A “still life” is something like a booth at a trade show. A static representation of life. Related Images:
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Taking A Chance On Love

I don’t know about you but I’m an eternal optimist. Sometimes, for no good reason optimists take chances. Because we fall in love. With someone, some thing, some idea, some color! I named this pillow “ La Violetta”. She required an Italian name she’s so full of drama. (I can say that because I’m half Italian). Related Images:
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