Take Comfort in Harvest

It’s harvest time. These are Concord grapes from Bellamy -Ferriday House and Garden in Bethlehem, CT. A wonderful place if you haven’t been. Quiet, beautifully tended gardens -a snapshot of history dating back to the late 1700’s. Related Images:
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Premiere Vision

You, me, NYC…..EARLY departure. Premiere Vision is an annual fashion indulgence to ideate over color palettes and trending  for Fall/Winter 16-17. Related Images:
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Summer Garden

Summer time is outdoor time. Of course, if you’re lucky, it can also be a direct path to beach abandon when people return to  water to become whole again. Related Images:
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Picking Paint Colors

Amy Emery, a dynamic Interior Designer from South Carolina, agreed to share some tips on choosing paint colors. Can you relate to this?  I can. Amy says: “Selecting paint colors always sends people into a state of panic.” No kidding. Related Images:
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Sunflowers and Tag Sales

Today was tag sale day. Chaos reigned for a few days leading up to it. When we merged homes in 2009, we couldn’t see our way to getting rid of all the extras. We moved most of it into a storage unit the next town over.  Related Images:
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Fighting Off Cold Weather Naturally

Frigid outdoor temperatures, indoor heating, crackling fires in the hearth -these hallmarks of winter can take a toll on skin and lead to dry, cracked hands, flaky, itchy bodies and rough red faces.  Enough! You too, can beat winter dryness with a few changes to your daily routine and proper nutrition. Alison Birks is my nutritionist and sometimes I twist her arm to give me health tips. I was whining the other day about my dry hands and feet and here’s what I got…Thanks Alison! Related Images:
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