Celebrating Beauty

Beautiful people bring the sunshine. Getting together with others is on hold and will be until the pandemic passes. And when will that be? Social distancing makes one realize what we had. And will we learn to be kinder and more patient in the interim? I hope so.  I’ve once again dug into sewing and shooting scarves for Spring 2020. It’s been tedious as my hand is still not 100% after December surgery. Beautiful colors keep one going in crazy times. See more scarves here. Photo Shoot First, There Was Florida I took so many photos in Florida during our March
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The Fabric of Life-Old Becomes New

Last week I had the pleasure of attending “Talking Textiles”a one-day symposium at the New School in New York. Lidewij Edelcourt, Dean of Hybrid Studies and founder of Edelcourt, Inc., spoke eloquently on the re-creation of ancient fabrics. Related Images:
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Texture becomes a home

Texture has been the buzzword in home decor since people migrated away from bright colors. As you know, if you’ve been observing the unfolding of Paola Pillows, I could never walk away from intense colors. I have strong opinions about color and I blog about it! Related Images:
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The Age of Morning Glories

Morning Glories are some of my favorite flowers- especially the color called Midnight Blue. I start them from seed and then as with many flowers, I photograph them through their entire life cycle. What I’ve learned about most flowers is that they change color as they age, and they take on new, sometimes unusual characteristics. No one stage is less beautiful than another. As the autumn chill takes hold, Morning Glories also develop very different personalities as they soften and turn in on themselves. They could be poster children for age appreciation.  Every one of these images is that of a
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Stitches over time

I’ve been searching all my life for a way to move my art off the walls and into everyday life. Since childhood I’ve had a love relationship with fabric, but after college I gave full rein to common sense and developed a marketing consulting practice to support myself. My new line of cotton throw pillows is the culmination of a long journey with lots of twists and turns. It brings together a love of gardening and colorful fabric designed for everyday use. Art made practical. Practical made special. Related Images:
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