Flowers Galore

Flowers are the number one reason this gardener gardens. Of course, the number one flower for any mom is her daughter. In this photo, Bridget is shown modeling our new scarf Caroline, named after a great lady, Caroline Ferriday. We’ve created a tradition where I finish a couple new scarves and snag Bridget to pose for them in exchange for coffee on me. It’s been no small feat convincing my dear photophobic daughter to help out but it’s been fun!  This year’s garden efforts will include enriching existing beds and improving all blooms. We began last fall with a general
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Winter into Summer – Flower Shows

It’s getting warmer….Do you get confused about what season it is when you step outside? Winter, Summer, Spring??? The plants are waking up and unfurling leaves as they feel the heat. Let’s just hope old man winter goes easy on them this year. I’m expecting at least one more snowstorm. We ALL want Spring and Summer ASAP. Related Images:
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Romancing The Relationship With Your Home

This week I’ve been working on some new designs. Roses have always been a passion of mine. The rose image above was re-created from a pillow called Perfect- which at the time had minimal handwork in its final print. These two rose images began from a single photo and are in an evolving relationship. Stay tuned here every week for more and totally new patterns too. Related Images:
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I can’t make you love me

I thought this a good thought to begin 2017. You can’t make anybody love you, so love yourself! The rest will follow… “I can’t make you love me” sung here by George Michael – recorded by MTV in 2009. Related Images:
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Roses, Roses and Romance

Nothing quite says it like roses. Every year as I begin to catch a whiff of Christmas in the air, I start to feel ROMANTIC. Why is that? In honor of romance, I’m devoting this blog post to fanning the flames of the romantic heart. Related Images:
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Taking A Chance On Love

I don’t know about you but I’m an eternal optimist. Sometimes, for no good reason optimists take chances. Because we fall in love. With someone, some thing, some idea, some color! I named this pillow “ La Violetta”. She required an Italian name she’s so full of drama. (I can say that because I’m half Italian). Related Images:
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