Annual Pilgrimage to ICFF, NYC -May 2019

Every year we go to the International Contemporary Furniture Fair (ICFF) to see what’s trending in home décor. As an international venue, many products are quite extravagant but the show also includes new materials and ideas just barely fleshed out by architectural students or young companies in search of distribution. The show showcases all aspects of home décor- inside and out. A must-see. I pulled a few to show you. The Italians are coming! Every year, there’s an extensive display of Italian companies- traditional leathers to very modern materials and high line designs. Worth the visit. There are many styles-
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ICFF Takes the Day in New York

Larry and I completed our annual pilgrimage to ICFF ( the international furniture fair) and SURTEX (surface design show) at Javitts, NYC on Monday. It’s easy to get overwhelmed if you haven’t been before and continues to overwhelm yearly if you don’t take a reasonable lunch break. Which we’ve learned to do. I was reminded of  the sometime, mind -numbing museum trips as a child to every museum in the Washington, DC area. Thank God for the diversion offered by American Indian displays and dinosaurs at the old Smithsonian. Related Images:
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Azaleas and NYC

Just for the record….The azaleas are officially- in bloom in Litchfield, Connecticut. I feel happy…when I see them coloring the landscape. Related Images:
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