Green on Green

The hosta leaves are coming into their glory. You can see how closely they resemble fabric- in their texture and how they curl around themselves in the sun. (And yes, I did place one of my favorite pillows Palma, inside one of the brand new hosta leaves- as it emerges just outside the front door). Related Images:
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To Be or Not to Be An Artist

In the past few years I’ve invested more time as an artist to explore intangibles -with the goal of creating printed art for functional end use. Of course, there are always day -to -day practical demands associated with launching a business. And precious few of them are very creative. Sometimes, like today, I really dislike laboring over math and planning. If there’s a place for me in hell it will conjour up endless mathematical problems to solve. I was trying to figure out why a hotel made such an obscure mess of my bill.  Not only was it an awful
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Still Life at Market

My mother used to set up a “still life” for drawing practice. She was the first in a series of many teachers who taught me the basics of composition and the dynamic relationship between shape, color and light. A “still life” is something like a booth at a trade show. A static representation of life. Related Images:
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I Don’t Want To Know

Very soon, I’m going to bed.. and I don’t want to know what I didn’t finish tonight. My poor husband just finished removing a thousand staples from the biggest piece of stretched canvas headed to our booth at High Point Market because it wouldn’t fit in the car. (Shhh, don’t tell my sister who stapled it together) Can’t wait to re-do it again Wednesday afternoon. Found a great little table…and two chairs. If you’re at Market working, stop by our booth at 1-640, and prepare to get comfortable. Today’s single greatest booth addition was this: Shipped direct to North Carolina.
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Paola Pillows and SAMS-The Suites at Market Square

We spent a lot of time this week planning our booth for the Suites at Market Square  Some of it was designing Paola Prints T-shirts to wear in the booth. Tonight, just for fun, I took a rose, re-drew it and added it into one of my fave milkweed photos from last fall. The sun finally came out today, midday after a dull rainy night. No complaints here- we all know what Spring rains bring…more flowers! Of course, the rose took on a whole new life when I applied it to our t-shirt design. The black shirts needed something bright…
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Paola Prints -High Point 2016

I’ve spent the last few days flat out, putting together advertising and artwork and, and, and, together for a big trip south in a few short weeks. If you find yourself in North Carolina, look us up at the Suites At Market Square, Booth 1-640. Related Images:
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Artists Convene at American Craft Council Show

Paola Prints was juried into the flagship show of the American Craft Council, held February 17-21, at the Baltimore Convention Center. Seemed wise to walk the show this year and make plans for 2017-as I’d never been to it. It was fun! It was good  to compare it with my visit to NY NOW a couple weeks ago. I met lots of talented artists and all around good people. Related Images:
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NY NOW Naturally

Heading out to NY NOW Tuesday to do homage to many who are displaying their wares and scores of others who shop for new products for the coming year. At present, displaying at Javitts isn’t what this artist is choosing to do with her dollars. I always attend to better understand the general consensus for design, trends and colors. In the end I let nature take its course. Related Images:
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