Clothes From the Garden

You grow the plants. Photograph them at high resolution with your Nikon of choice and design new creations in Photoshop. Apply those to a finish product and SELL said item. A tall order. Even though I’ve bought printing for marketing purposes, experimenting with printing to fabric was a whole other story. It would be exhausting to think about doing even part of the job, if I hadn’t fallen head over heels about the potential for creating beauty. The love of transferring nature to fabric has had its way with me relentlessly. Blogging about it is my confession. Pretty or handsome?
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The pillow on the right with the pink flowers is an update to another pillow I made a few months ago. I like the way it picks up the blue color from the pillow to its left. The photos are both taken from the same plant. The flowers grow on a bush that actually lives behind that hosta in my garden. They hang out together. Related Images:
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Yesterday, my husband insisted I rush out mid-afternoon and take some photos because he thought my favorite hosta had something more to offer this season. He was right. Related Images:
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