Anticipation is at least half the fun

Fashion Week speaks to party girls. Many ladies who like to party, and specifically, “make” a party, know what I’m talking about. The secret pleasures in anticipation are at the HEART of what drives outrageous colors, ideas,  decorations and cooking. You know, the best parts of an event. Related Images:
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In Search of American Handmade

Things handmade have increasingly become products from overseas. You see it most often in home décor items made in Mexico, Iran, Korea and China- most anywhere but in the U.S. The story of material and its fabrication is an ancient one and has its roots in far away lands. Maybe we’ve returned to that time. Or not. Related Images:
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Celebrating the Life of a Tile Artist

When we redid our house, Michael DeMartino was pivotal in pulling it together. As the artist/owner of NW Marble & Tile, Mike was the go-to for all our interior tile work, from foyer to kitchen, living and bathrooms. He passed away suddenly a few weeks ago. He was only 56 and he is missed! His energy enlivened a process that at times was daunting, even for those of us without our hands in cold grout. I think that year’s end is a good time for celebrating life, don’t you? Related Images:
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Tulips: Cultivating the Right Attitude

You have to begin with a nod to their roots. Tulips are natives of Eastern Turkey and the foothills of the Himalaya. They don’t belong here. Whether they behave as annuals or perennials is largely beyond our control. If you go in with that attitude it might be less stressful. (I’m working on our Paola Prints pillow listing for Amazon- The photo above shows you the progress). After much consternation (mine) I’m approaching the finish line and hope to go live very soon. Wish us luck! Related Images:
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Mid Century Art -in the Eye of the Beholder

We visited the Bridgeport Technology Center in Bridgeport on Friday to preview the Black Rock Gallery (BRG) Mid-Century Art Auction – currently online. This was our first visit  and it was an experience. Took a while to find in a town that time seems to have passed by. Downtown Bridgeport- been there? It’s best to know exactly where you’re going. The show was held in a large collection of  industrial buildings. The viewing was on the 2nd floor of a very large building. Related Images:
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Garden Design as Outdoor Theater

I recently discovered a landscape architect named Steve Martino, based in Arizona. He creates artwork through landscape design.  Given the arid nature of the surroundings, it makes sense that his color palette is frequently shades of green and bright orange. Interesting enough, even though we live in New England, the colors are a close match to our wonderful autumn colors. Related Images:
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Focus on the Naturally Beautiful

I’m writing with this smashing pink peony on the screen. I love the colors and drama of water droplets in the sun. Naturally beautiful, no editing required. Many years ago my mother used to talk about how she understood the process of painting a picture. She described the importance of an artist creating a path for a viewer to follow into the composition. Leading that  person into another “world” using the tools of color, light, line and shapes. Much later when a painting wasn’t coming together for me, I could appreciate that sentiment, some part or parts were stuck or
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Lost in Rainwater and Sunlight

I’m defenseless when rain and sunlight come calling in the garden. I’m obliged to rush out after a shower with camera in hand- like a bee to honey. There’s been rainwater a plenty this year in Connecticut. The plants and soil display their pleasure with each passing event. Clean, crisp and content. Related Images:
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Hydrangeas – Bring Water For Success

Ever notice your hydrangea bushes wilting in the heat of day? Fortunately, hydrangeas were designed to catch water- each little seed capsule is wide open, ready for any passing moisture. Hydrangeas love regular watering- it  yields more flowers too. This year in Connecticut- we have no worries, plenty of water. Related Images:
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Inside Flowers and Outside Flowers

This year has been such a wonderful year for flowers that I’ve had a hard time cutting them. What’s the motivation? They’re thriving outside. All the peonies that have been staked, tied, keep coming. The rain has been brutal yet there is no denying the difference between last year and this. Would that every year were so!  Still, I’m starving for inside flowers! Related Images:
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