Heavenly Hostas

In the world of flowers and colors hostas do well as a faithful border plant, returning each spring and spreading as required, blooming innocuously in the shade. Nothing much to write home about. Then I discovered the hosta plant that I feature on several Paola Pillows and Related Images:
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Happy New Year

Hank Mobley, like many great musicians, had early childhood exposure to lots of music. His mother, grandmother and uncle played piano. His uncle played six other instruments and encouraged him to play sax. Related Images:
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Paola Pillows Have Arrived

Lots of people are taking stock this week in what they accomplished in 2014 and making projections for 2015. So, it seemed fitting to go with the flow. As the Pointer Sisters sang in 1984- it’s time for Paola Prints  to JUMP in! Related Images:
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Loving Christmas

I’m sending this message out for my son Daniel, who couldn’t be here with us this Christmas. Sometimes the holidays can be so crazy it’s easy to lose sight of the really important part of the season. Related Images:
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White Christmas

This flower reminds me of fire rather than late summer…which it was. There was snow on the ground in Litchfield this morning and we’ve got the stoves stoked with wood and pellets. It’s feeling cozy inside as the world outside rushes to Christmas. Related Images:
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The pillow on the right with the pink flowers is an update to another pillow I made a few months ago. I like the way it picks up the blue color from the pillow to its left. The photos are both taken from the same plant. The flowers grow on a bush that actually lives behind that hosta in my garden. They hang out together. Related Images:
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Christmas is coming….

There’s a certain amount of panic that surfaces as I reflect on these words. I suspect I’m not alone in not feeling ready. Did you know that the ceremony of exchanging gifts in antiquity was linked with buying a proper passage from life to death? Yikes! Fortunately I’m planning to live a very long life. Related Images:
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