An Invasive Species in My Garden

I’m in love with an invasive species. Spiraea japonica. In fact, last fall, I transplanted some shoots in the hope of encouraging its spread in my yard. When you have a large area to cover, sometimes, you go for those plants that thrive. Managing their growth is not rocket science. You have to stay on top of it. No gardener is happy to have her garden space dominated by anybody. Until my dear Japanese spireas overwhelm their neighbors or lose their beautiful color, I’m all in. I found this site though that might be of help if you’re questioning a
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Starting Tomato Seeds Indoors

Look around outside. New greens are everywhere. The azalea buds are humming along…colors are light and refreshing. The pale orange on the right side of the photo is the blush of a nearby narcissus. There are no intense colors out yet. Instead, you see tiny spots of color across the whole landscape. Walking through is like a treasure hunt- what’s up today? Related Images:
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Back to Basics- Only the Beautiful Need Apply

In springtime, as the temperature warms the house, aside from wanting to live outside, I’m also inclined to want to empty the house of anything extraneous, anything not quite beautiful. When we first added the mahogany deck off the living area, it was fabulous. (And it’s almost never looked so good). I couldn’t resist dropping some of my Aquilina pillows onto the deck to make the point. Related Images:
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Clean Up, Accent on Azaleas

Everybody knows that roses this full are simply not open yet in Connecticut. Just the other day I was pruning off dead wood as I raked and cleaned around the little green tulip, daffodil and grape hyacinth shoots coming up all over the place. Related Images:
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Things That Go Together

I’ve always been fascinated by flowers that draw matching pollinators. They look like they go together. On the other hand, do you think a flower might feel upstaged in the company of one as lovely as this butterfly? Related Images:
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Brothers and Sisters Make Family

I know WordPress won’t appreciate my short title. I don’t care. Which is a phrase that siblings will understand. Many of you know I grew up in a very large family, eleven children- four brothers and six sisters. You learn quickly that you can’t care about everything someone does or you’ll lose it. Life lessons that have served me well. Related Images:
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Looking for Flowers People, It’s April!

Today’s photo  was taken on April 29, 2012. I know it because my Nikon told me so. Nature photography is a wonderful thing as you can enjoy it year round-so full of promise through the lingering cold days in New England from March into April. Related Images:
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Bring Your Own Sunshine To the Party

It’s time to get Spring serious. March 20 was the first day of Spring! If you have piles of snow outside like many of us do, it’s time to bring your own sunshine to the party. One of my new, up and coming Paola pillows is called Sunny- created from a sunflower in full bloom. Related Images:
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