Starting Tomato Seeds Indoors

Look around outside. New greens are everywhere. The azalea buds are humming along…colors are light and refreshing. The pale orange on the right side of the photo is the blush of a nearby narcissus. There are no intense colors out yet. Instead, you see tiny spots of color across the whole landscape. Walking through is like a treasure hunt- what’s up today? Related Images:
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Clean Up, Accent on Azaleas

Everybody knows that roses this full are simply not open yet in Connecticut. Just the other day I was pruning off dead wood as I raked and cleaned around the little green tulip, daffodil and grape hyacinth shoots coming up all over the place. Related Images:
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Winter into Summer – Flower Shows

It’s getting warmer….Do you get confused about what season it is when you step outside? Winter, Summer, Spring??? The plants are waking up and unfurling leaves as they feel the heat. Let’s just hope old man winter goes easy on them this year. I’m expecting at least one more snowstorm. We ALL want Spring and Summer ASAP. Related Images:
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Valentine’s Day 2017

Today’s image is all about GREEN-It’s been snowing for days in New England. The world outside is white. Then I remembered…it’s Valentine’s! Like many other holidays, Valentine’s has its roots in ancient times. Related Images:
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Relationship Building Through Home Remodeling

Renovating home and garden is challenging no matter how you do it. The real question is how do you arrive at remodeling solutions pleasing to both parties? The drawing above is a winter rendering showing some proposed iron gates so we can see how they’ll look in place. Related Images:
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Romancing The Relationship With Your Home

This week I’ve been working on some new designs. Roses have always been a passion of mine. The rose image above was re-created from a pillow called Perfect- which at the time had minimal handwork in its final print. These two rose images began from a single photo and are in an evolving relationship. Stay tuned here every week for more and totally new patterns too. Related Images:
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