Are You Feeling It Yet?

The holidays are in the air. Do you feel it yet? The skies are grey, the days shorter, the temperatures cooling. It’s always an adjustment, but one we’ll make in any case. We have no choice in the changing of the seasons! Related Images:
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Falling for Festivals in New England

Roses came to mind today as I’m working on a new scarf featuring some of my rose photos. Although I used to raise hybrid teas, I rarely grow roses now as our property is very shady. So, I buy those flowers who pose on occasion. The Meadowsweet Spiraea Japonica (aka Spirea), featured in the photo is from one of our bushes. They were prolific this year, and offer a wonderful backdrop for the roses -even managing to steal some of their thunder. Speaking of growing things. It’s that time of year to celebrate the New England Harvest. With festivals of
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Love is in the Air

The leaves are on the ground. Does anybody else feel nostalgic this time of year? Look around, life is moving, change is happening. Do you ever feel that life is passing you by? Nature can motivate people to hold onto constancy even though you discard annuals. (Plants designed for a short-term color blast) Nature leads us into the holidays in search of lasting companionship and/or family. And love..perhaps? Related Images:
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Change is Coming

As the weather begins to turn, thoughts inevitably turn indoors- Are you too, thinking once again about updating your interior spaces? If you’re really ambitious you might be considering doing it for the holidays. (I’m not really!) If you must make a change quickly, perhaps you could pick one thing, change up the color of a wall, or buy a single new piece. (Our new gas stove is incoming…can’t wait)! Related Images:
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Sewing and Photoshop- A Marriage Made in Litchfield

It’s been a very busy week for Paola Prints. Happily, the rain has kept the plants watered and yours truly out of the garden even as the pruning and transplanting is coming up fast. Some years ago, when I conceived the idea to change from hand drawn or sewn artwork to the computer, I knew I had to acquire some essential tools. A good photographer friend listened to what I had to say and was pretty dogmatic about what I needed. Related Images:
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Welcome Rain Falls,Unwelcome Pests Emerge

I’ll never tire of waking at night to the sound of rain falling. Walking outside in a morning garden and seeing the blessed dark soil tells you it was good all around. Late July into August leads quickly into maintenance, which this week included pruning, staking and pest control. Related Images:
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Beneath the Canopy

I got my first introduction to the rain forest when I visited my son Dan in the state of Washington last year. Did you know it’s not uncommon to have different weather systems in a rain forest? If you ever walked through one and it started raining of a sudden, you’d quickly get the picture. The trees are huge and the high canopy creates the feeling of a cathedral in the out-of-doors. Wonderfully quiet – a mysterious sensation. Related Images:
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How Green is Your June Garden

Nature is growing greener by the day- even as the azaleas fade away. There’s a certain truth about tending a garden. You can plant what you like, where you want. Care or neglect them. In the end, Mother Nature is the one in charge. She brings light, shade, water and warmth. I know I get more than I give these plants. Just the same, tending to their needs is not for the lazy. Related Images:
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And So We Go On

We spent a few days in Greenwich, as guests of a friend and set up our tent at the Bruce Museum Craft Festival. It poured rain the first of two days – and was cold too, worst I’ve seen at an event like that. We’ve been spoiled as we’ve only shown the pillows indoors. Related Images:
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Eleanor and the Promise of Warm Weather in the Garden

Eleanor is a small terracotta planter we bought at Campo de’ Fiori in Sheffield MA. The pot was modeled after a friend of shop owner Robin, who grew up in Rome. The store takes its name from a small piazza where his mother used to buy flowers and vegetables. My Eleanor is outside in the garden on the stone wall- waiting for warmer weather so we can decide what kind of plant hairdo she’ll wear. However. April is the cruelest month. Are your buds covered with ice again? Related Images:
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